Jekyll Website on Github
Github is well know as the “biggest database of software code” but nowadays their public non paid services, allows you to serve static web files to as your own website (just like this one that you are reading). This lines will guide you through the process of publishing some static web-files, generated with the use of a popular ruby coded tool called Jekyll, on github pages using the linux terminal.
In this guide I’ll assume you have some basic knowledge about how a website works, some experience using git with a github account, and also that you are using a current stable version of Debian or some debian based os like Ubuntu, i will focus only in the process of creating a new site with jekyll locally and then pushing it on github.
Installing dependencies
Jekyll was developed with ruby, and therefore it makes planty use of some of it gems, also some development tools libraries and header files are needed, they are shipped to us inside build-essential and zlib1-dev deb packages. You can install them using apt (or your favourite package manager), running a command like this might be enough to get them:
sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev git
Configuring gems with a user directory
It’s not a good thing to install ruby gems as a root user, thats why to create a gems dir on our os user folder, that holds all of our libs, is a better approach, so thats the first thing to do to create a gems dir:
$ cd ~ \
$ mkdir gems
So we need to edit our ~/.bashrc file, adding a new environment var (GEM_HOME), and updating the value of another (PATH), you can edit the file with you fav text editor, i like to use nano:
$ nano .bashrc
Then at the very end type something like this:
#gem stuf
export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"
export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"
Finally we load the file and we are ready to install some gems stuff:
$ source ~/.bashrc
Installing Jekyll and github-pages
Now with properly setted ruby environment we can continue installing jekyll and other ruby tools like bundler and github-pages the last one is like a metapackage with all ruby gems for a github based jekyll website:
$ gem install jekyll bundler git github-pages
So far if nothing goes wrong we are ready to create a new jekyll site.
Creating a new jekyll site
It can be done using the jekyll command where user its your own username at
$ jekyll new
Remember to replace “user” with your github username, (in my case my username is lemyskaman), then we change to our newly directory containing the files of our site:
$ cd
It should have inside a directory tree like this:
$ tree
├── 404.html
├── _config.yml
├── Gemfile
└── _posts
└── 2019-04-29-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
Editing the Gemfile for github, update gems and test
It necessary to comment the line that use the jekyll version and uncomment the one that install the gem github-pages to do so just prepend a # at the beginning of the line number 11, and remove the # from the line number 18, the gemfile should look similar to this10 # Happy Jekylling!
11 gem "jekyll", "\~> 3.8.5"
13 # This is the default theme for new Jekyll sites. You may change this to anything you lik$
14 gem "minima", "\~> 2.0"
16 # If you want to use GitHub Pages, remove the "gem "jekyll"" above and
17 # uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run \`bundle update github-pages\`.
18 # gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
Then you can update the gems with the bundle command:
$ bundle update
Jekyll comes with a web server for local testing, and bundle tool checks for changes in the code to fire things up just run:
$ bundle exec jekyll serve --host=
Now if you open your favourite browser at localhost:4000 you should be able to view your site.
Push your site to github and make it public
First you need to create a repository project on with your github username prepend to domine name, in short: create a new project repository with the same name of your newly directory containing the files of your site (, then initialize git tracking and configure where to push with the following commands:
$ git init
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin master
Finally you will be able to view your site at
Jekyll as a cms has a lot of features and it use the liquid template engine and it, basicaly works using text data form markdown files with its header data ( front matter ) to builld our site, i will make a post soon telling you more about it and teaching what i’ve learned about jekyll usage.